These words were uttered by Democratic strategist and Obama adviser, Hilary Rosen, who was being interviewed by CNN's Anderson Cooper: "What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country, saying, 'Well you know, my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues; and when I listen to my wife, that's what I'm hearing.' Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life."
Rosen continued, "She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing, in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and why do we worry about their future." She added that Romney "just seems so old fashioned when it comes to women."
Ms. Rosen was on Cooper's program to continue the Democratic message that Republicans -- and by association, Mitt Romney -- are conducting a war on women. Rosen said on CNN that Mitt Romney shouldn't use Ann as his "economic advisor" because she hadn't worked while raising her five children. Therefore she couldn't possibly know anything of value as it relates to the economy.
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June Cleaver -- supermom? |
Democrats want you to believe they support women, when in fact, they only support women who are like them --liberal. They have open arms for career women who don't need a man to bring home a paycheck, lesbians who want to adopt, single moms who struggle to make ends meet, or political allies who want to tear down mom-and-apple pie traditions.
If they were being honest, they would admit that raising a family is harder than going to the office. There's no leaving work until tomorrow when your son is sick with the flu, or your daughter needs help with pre-calculus.
Finally, the democrats are caught saying what they really think about women, and it raises the question: who's really waging the war on women?
Rosen, as a strategist for the DNC, has let it slip that if you are a conservative woman -- like Ann Romney, Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman -- you can't win. Whatever you do, you will not meet the feminist's idea of a "modern" woman. And as a result you aren't worth squat.
As I've written before, liberals hate Sarah Palin. Despite her strong character, college degree, successful family life, and a run as Alaska's governor she was attacked for leaving the home to work because she had a child with Downs Syndrome. How could she put her own selfish interests before the needs of her child, they said.
And now, Ann Romney, who has survived cancer and is presently suffering from MS, is being criticized for staying at home with her children. Isolated, ignorant and Republican.
What's a woman to do? If you're a Democrat or an Independent, you're supposed to believe that Republicans hate you, want to take away your birth control and give more of your money to the rich. Read the words from Ms. Rosen again and tell me if she makes ANY sense.
The left's attack on stay-at-home moms includes their belief that only working moms can understand how the real world works. According to Ms. Rosen, Ann Romney isn't qualified to talk about the economy because she has never worked outside the home before. By that definition, every news anchor that reports on tonight's news shouldn't be allowed to discuss abortion, education, Gov. Walker's recall, the war in Afghanistan, the price of oil or racial discrimination unless they've personally experienced it. Or held a job in that specific field. That's just plain stupid.
But that's what liberals think of stay-at-home moms.
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Hilary Rosen |
The rebuttal of Rosen's harsh comments came quickly, with the Obama Administration making a quick defense of stay-at-home moms. Hoping to keep their Republican war on women intact, the Democrats tried to paint Rosen as an outsider and someone who didn't speak for them. Michelle Obama tweeted "Every mother works hard, and every woman deserves to be respected." Unless you're Palin or Bachman. Have you ever heard Democrats -- specifically feminists like Gloria Steinem, Patricia Ireland or Niami Wolf -- come to either woman's defense? Obama strategist David Axelrod and Obama campaign manager Jim Messina denied that Rosen ever worked for them, but it has been noted that she had been a visitor to the White House over 30 times since 2008. So while she may not be an employee, she certainly has their attention.
Yesterday, in her apology, Hilary Rosen said, "Let's declare peace in this phony war and go back to focus on the substance." What is she declaring "phony?" Is it the Republican attack on contraceptives? Or the abortion debate? Or maybe the attack on welfare moms -- generally single, with children and unemployed?
And what of "the substance?" Is she referring to Romney's economic plan, which includes putting Americans back to work? Or is it Obama's economic plan to make the rich pay their "fair share?" That sounds like a good way to create jobs, doesn't it? Stop with the class warfare and divisive rhetoric -- America was built on freedom and hard work, not sharing equally in the labor of a few.
Interestingly, more women have lost their jobs than men during Obama's presidency. Between the end of June 2009 and May of 2011, men gained over 768,000 jobs while women lost 218,000 jobs. Much of those loses came from education and government positions, which are popular with women. As the money from the stimulus ran out, so did the need for women in those occupations.
Democrats haven't seen women as equal for a long time. They continue to create dependency through government policies that are anti- family, anti-children and anti-religion. As proof unwed, welfare moms get far more love from the Democrats than stay-at-home moms.
Isn't it time the Democrats stop with the community organizing, and support women who work from both the office or the home? Whether it's preparing a meal for the family, or finalizing a real estate presentation, they both require a lot of work.
The demtards' hypocrisy never ceases to astonish. Their Dear Leader is a community activist. His wife's work history is a joke. Yet they have the gall to attack Ann Romney for raising her kids - which as you point out is a job I wouldn't trade for. You are 100% correct, conservative women can't win. But that's true of all factions which the left considers proprietary - look at how they attack black conservatives. Good post. E