Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Kids Are Not Alright


"I don't mind 
Other guys dancing with my girl
That's fine
I know them all pretty well.

But I know sometimes I must get out in the light
Better leave her behind
With the kids, they're alright
The kids are alright.
The kids are alright.
The kids are alright.

The Who from their their 1965 album, "My Generation."

I've always enjoyed The Who, and in particular Pete Townshend's lyrics.  Their songs had a harder edge to them than the Beatles and The Rolling Stones.  If you liked power chords, great drumming and "fighting" lyrics then you -- like me -- listened to The Who.     

Townshend's song "The Kids Are Alright" was about taking chances.  He admitted years later when he wrote the song, he was nothing but a kid, trying to figure out life through all the things going on.  He was practicing with his life -- like all rebellious youth -- taking chances in music, politics and marriage, not to mention drugs and booze.  There was almost nothing that he didn't risk trying. 

Like Pete Townshend, every generation has its own things to figure out.  The sixties were all about drugs, sex, war and authority.  It was a time of transformational change to society (sound familiar?)

Today, our kids (I'm referring to anyone under 30 years old) are messed up in ways that have me worrying about their future, not to mention my own.  Instead of learning basics in school, they are learning about equity, discrimination, COVID and their mental health is suffering.  BIG time.

Occasionally, they worry about Madonna's younger look, but quickly see the error of their ways.  Even this 65-year-old knows if you undergo a facelift, brow life and eyelid surgery, you might end up looking like Marilyn Manson. 

So how did society's youth go from being their own person -- and suspicious of government authority -- to embracing Big Brother and wanting everything to have the same outcome?  How did classes on community organizing and protesting inequality replace basic math and writing in high school?
It would be great if these harmful ideas would fade like bad acne, but today's students carry them into young adulthood and from school to the workplace.  Instead of outgrowing these misguided beliefs, they embrace them and like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," infect co-workers into supporting things like critical race theory, vaccine equity, drag shows and global warming hysteria.  Every year more and more of them graduate from college and join the ranks of newly employed woksters.

Instead of slapping these people into submission, the corporate world goes along -- they fear being cancelled by media critics or the Twitter-verse, and in some cases even agree with them.  Easy points can be earned by throwing a million dollars at Black Lives Matter or by allowing transgender spoke people sell their product.  COVID and global warming hysteria allowed companies to rake in millions more by working with government agencies promoting woke ideology.

But getting back to our young "skulls full of mush," (we miss you Rush).  Our children today are in trouble for many reasons, but primarily because of what they are being taught.  COVID shutdowns didn't help.

I think we've all heard reports coming out of our schools that students aren't leaning math, reading and science.  Here's proof of the damage done to our children when they shut the schools:

In 55 Chicago public schools, no students were reported proficient in either math or reading.  There were 22 schools who had no students who could read at grade level and another 33 schools claimed no students could perform math at grade level.  Statewide, there were 53 schools that reported no students proficient in math and another 30 schools reported zero students could read at grade level.

Kids starting Kindergarten are being taught how to understand their gender identities, as well as identify different kinds of family structures, including single-parent, grandparent-headed, multiracial and LGBTQ+.   First graders currently learn to to identify symbols and traditions associated with the USA, like the Pledge of Allegiance.  That is being scrapped in favor of leaning "how to work together."  Third graders discuss the "importance of affirming spaces."  Apparently those are safe places for people to express their identities."  Fourth graders will learn about the importance of the year 1619, while fifth graders get to study the rise of "queer culture.  And finally sixth graders are asked to "consider who is harmed by border policies and racism."  In seventh and eight grades, students will learn about the evils of "European colonizers,"  George Washington's "legacy as an enslaver," and the "rise of white supremacists."

Is there any doubt about how and why our children are not doing well?

I play basketball with a professor who missed a few games last year because he was at a treatment center with his young daughter who was suffering from depression and anxiety.  Today, when I ask him how she is doing, he says she is still struggling.  Is there any question as to why?  Children are being told the earth is doomed because of global warming, if they call America home, they live in a racist, sexist and unjust country, and social media force them to compare themselves to unrealistic standards.

Children in college aren't any different than middle and high school students -- only more adult and more radicalized.

I am an avid follower of "The College Fix" which is a conservative website devoted to improving campus media.  Its purpose is to support young people who are exploring a career in journalism.  So, every day there are stories on indoctrination, attacks on free society and messed up views on sex and gender.

Here is an example of what kids are being taught on campus.  It's insane:

"Susan Stryker, a male-to-female transgender professor at the University of Arizona, revealed the general thrust and tone of transgender education.  At a recent speech, he described his work as "a secular sermon that unabashedly advocates embracing a disruptive and refigurative genderqueer or transgender power as a spiritual resource for social and environmental transformation."   

Don't you love the gobbledygook these  people use?  After a while you just give up trying to follow along.

In a companion essay, he compares himself to the monster in Frankenstein.  "My transsexual body is a technological construction that represents a war against Western society.  I am a transexual, and therefore I am a monster", and destined to channel my "rage and revenge" against traditional family values and against the "hegemonic oppression" of nature itself.  I don't know what that means, but it sounds like he hates traditional families, like mine.

It's hard to see how this can end well.

Lately, colleges are making the news with students supporting Hamas/Palestinians and the war against Israel.  Protests -- the bedrock of so many well off, white female students today -- are growing and facing little pushback from college administrators or teacher unions.  It's the donors who threaten to pull their financial support that are driving arrests at Ivy league schools like Harvard, Columbia and Yale.  Not the administrators and professors who often times are camping out with the protesters.  

Sometimes I think these radicals and their students just miss the good old days of Vietnam and Martin Luther King protests.

But it is concerning that these college kids -- I can't call them adults -- find more value in protesting than they do learning something about a career that will put money on the table.  A future complaining about the injustices of life leaves little time for having a family, buying a house or working towards upward mobility.  Where do they think they will be ten, much less thirty, years from now when mommy and daddy are not paying the bills?  Where will America be in ten years?

Is it too late for kids today?  Are they destined for anti-depressant drugs and group therapy?  Probably.  I don't see how you can change someone's views on Israel if ground zero is "death to Israel," "death to America!"

So, I'm pretty certain we've lost the kids already in school and going into the work force.  If you can't even get them out of their safe spaces, how are you going to change anything?  Climate change?  Transgendered sports?  Gay marriage?  Racism?  Black Lives Matter?  All off the table.  Want to see their eyes roll back into their heads?  Mention Donald Trump and -- unless you're wearing a garbage bag for protection -- get out of the way.

And as they grow older and try to reconcile their views with reality, I think a lot of people are going to be paying huge sums to psychologists and psychiatrists.  What a future -- no wonder they are depressed.

People have argued that we shouldn't send our kids to public schools anymore.  Keeping them home and sending them to technical schools where students actually learn how things work have been suggested.    Notice how technical schools never make the news with protests and blocking streets or cancelling speakers?  Isn't it amazing how learning how to replace a carburetor doesn't lead to gender confusion?  Or providing nursing care to someone in need focuses your attention on the illness, not their skin color.

So where do we go from here?   Whatever we do to change its course, I know this much.  It's going to take time.  There's NO quick fix to what is wrong with our youth.

As mentioned earlier, an emphasis on jobs, not a 4 year women's study degree seems to be a good start.  Not only does it address bigger issues like the lack of plumbers, welders and electricians, but it also keeps a lot of the anti-American rhetoric at bay.  A restructured education system will take a long time, but as we say in the financial planning world --  today is the best day to start.

Let's hope the diversity, equity and inclusion charade runs it's course and future generations can realize the American Dream and appreciate the good things we have given the world.  To feel proud of America instead of shame or regret.  Remind our children that America offers the best hope for them.  Encourage and help them realize that family, not isolation, will bring them the most happiness and joy.  And family begins with a husband or wife and children.

We need God in our lives again.  On its own it doesn't guarantee anything, but a reminder that there is a purpose in life, something bigger than ourselves and a purpose not centered around social media or someone's identity would bring humility and grace to a young person's life. 

Don't let media control your life.  Social media is an empty vessel that bring temporary joy, at best.  At its worse, it desensitizes what it means to be human.  There can be no substitution for getting out of the house, talking with neighbors and friends, or finding someone special to share your life.  But don't forget corporations and politicians have a financial interest in keeping us divided and at each other's throats.

I'm an optimist, partly because I find motivation from the promise of good things in life.  I can't believe people want to be miserable -- it's not natural.   I want our children to laugh and enjoy life, to turn away from the Biden doctrine that encourages shouting and disagreement.  Our current downward projection will grind itself to dust.  You can only go so deep before you will want to see daylight.  

Maybe it will be like the song by Pete Townshend -- every generation has its own things to figure out.  Sooner or later, they will realize --

Men can't become women.

BLM is reverse racism.

School debt needs to be repaid.

Climate has been changing for ever, and always will.

No gun zones encourage violence.

A.I. sex is as unfulfilling as porn.

Go woke, go broke.


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