I may have given up on most sports, but my love of college football remains strong. Even if my Badgers aren't.
This fall saw the return of college football games attended by thousands of rowdy fans eager to celebrate the return of rivalries in the SEC, Big10, PAC12 and Big12. The packed stadiums, with 80,000 or more fans in attendance, struck a nerve with Anthony Fauci, our nation's highest paid idiot, who condemned college games that were packed with fans not wearing masks. "I don't think it's smart." he said, despite eight, uneventful weeks of these "super spreader" events.
Smart or not, college fans continued to celebrate, cheering their teams to fight to the bitter end. But somewhere along the way, things unraveled and they began cheering something else...
What a love fest! God bless social media.
I'm sure the president's administration, CBS, ABC and NBC were all wishing for the good ol' days when football and baseball stadiums were empty due to COVID restrictions.
And then, like a Hail Mary pass that was thrown by Aaron Rodgers for a last second touchdown, the popular sentiment went viral when a NBC pit reporter, Kelli Stavast, interviewed Brandon Brown who had just won a NASCAR race at the Talladega Superspeedway.. During the interview, shouts of "F**k Joe Biden!" could be heard in the background, but Kelli, covering for an embarrassed NBC, commented on how the crowd seemed to be chanting -- in his honor -- the words, "Let's Go Brandon!"
The ridiculousness of Kelli's cover-up added fuel to the burning fire, and within the week, a "Let's Go Brandon" bandwagon was marching across America. What began as a reaction to COVID restrictions suddenly found itself accommodating our frustrations with big tech censorship, illegal immigration, runaway inflation, high gas prices, empty food shelves, supply chain problems and everything else coming out of Washington D.C.
No longer a vulgar college chant, "Let's Go Brandon" became a verbal (and with shirts and signs, a non-verbal) act of rebellion. It had become a potent weapon against the left's assault on our freedoms and the United States of America.
For Joe Biden and much of the Washingtonian elites, Brandon had become someone bigger than life -- more effective than any mid-term politician or talk radio host (God rest your soul Rush). With every t-shirt and meme, "Let's Go Brandon" aficionados ridicule Basement Biden in hilarious and effective ways.
What's best about it, is there was no defense. How do you counterattack ridicule? It's the perfect weapon against state-controlled media, social protesters, and even Biden's 85 car motorcade traveling through Rome last weekend. Is there really any concern for climate change? Of course not.
This ridicule -- Let's Go Brandon -- is different than what we witnessed during the Trump presidency. For one, it's based on objective reality. We all feel the pain at grocery stores and at the gas pump. We see with our own eyes what's happening at our border. And we see politicians ignore their own mandates while vacationing or eating out at expensive restaurants. It's too bad the people of California, Minneapolis and Portland aren't part of the Brandon bandwagon yet.
In contrast, what we saw directed toward Trump was based on concocted lies and a real detachment from reality. Cable news proclaimed "F**k You Trump" was America's protest anthem. Every night late night comics brazenly attacked the president with insults and impertinent skits that rewarded the pronoun loving, close-minded in-crowd, otherwise known as Democrats. The rest of the country, screw you! So not only did they attack President Trump, they also attacked his supporters. The media never tired of some of the most vile names ever thrown at a standing president of the United States. But we saw through it. We called it Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Remember --
De Niro's R-rated, hate speech at last year's Tony awards?
Alec Baldwin's skits ridiculing Trump on Saturday Night Live?
Kathy Griffin holding a prop meant to look like Trump's severed head?
A New York Shakespeare group that offered free tickets to anyone who wanted to see President Trump assassinated in the group's rendition of Julius Caesar?
Attacks on the First Lady and her family?
Coffee mugs, flags books and music, all celebrating F**k Trump"?
There was even a Los Angeles art show, launched on Trump's birthday, that encouraged artists to show their "primal scream" by creating and downloading art with the words, "F**k Trump." Over 100 artists contributed.
There was no humor in these displays of hate. It reflected the left's true character and blatant malice. It's elitism appealed to the upper echelons of comedy, Hollywood and the music industry. But not the patriot who drove a truck, worked nights at a factory, or comforted patients in a hospital. For those of us who watched it all, it was typical liberal trash. And a poison that destroyed everything it touched.
What started as a small commentary on college campuses, has become a national and even an international fellowship for all of us who are fed up with climate change, the takeover of our education system and tech censorship of anything critical of COVID 19 and its treatment.
Membership in this fellowship has no cost or difficult questions to answer. It doesn't care what your sex is or your race. For that matter, it doesn't care if you are Republican or Democrat. If you feel embarrassed when Doddering Joe gets lost getting into the White house or mumbles "Where Am I?", you belong to the club. If you laugh at Beijing Biden falling asleep at the COP26 opening speeches (before being "woken" by a staffer), come on in. Or, if you laugh so hard you pee your pants when he cuts the cheese, breaks wind, bottom burps or shoots a fairy, then you are welcome to join the Fellowship of Brandon.
It's like a cooling salve to a bad sunburn for those without a voice. As Jeff Lewis in American Thinker said, it's our modern-day Tea Party. Or as more commentary in American Greatness said, it's analogous to the Biblical Old Testament prophet Elijah mocking the priests of Baal. It's the perfect description of our current situation, where we deny the "Baal and false god of a cradle-to-grave Socialist utopia that has never -- does not now, nor ever will -- exist."
I've always said there is strength in numbers. It takes fifty-three men to win a football game, even if you have Aaron Rogers or Tom Brady. Every player has a role to play, and when the clock runs down to zero, and the media has turned off their cameras, packed up their microphones and submitted their stories, the head coach knows it was special teams, defense and offense that won the day -- and a great quarterback.
By the same token, we need numbers if we are going to save this country -- "the White City with its promise of the future, the wheat fields of America's heartland and the majestic view of the Great Plains from high atop Pikes Peak" -- so elegantly found in "America The Beautiful."
Step up people -- now is the time. Maybe last week's stunning election in Virginia is a sign that the fellowship is growing.
We should all thank Brandon -- whoever that is.
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