We are at war.
I've heard that declaration many times when there is talk of meeting the challenges of the Wuhan virus. This pandemic is described in wartime imagery, with words like "under attack," "invisible enemy," "front line warriors," and health care workers as "troops."
It's easy to see why our politicians and media use such imagery -- it promotes national unity and adds to the gravity of the situation, plus it encourages personal sacrifice from its citizens. And it has been used many times before, with a war on terrorism, a war on poverty, war on drugs and a war on cancer to name just a few.
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We already know that this emergency will be costly in terms of our economy and to those who die. It will require extraordinary measures, even if we act quickly.
We as Americans, British, Italians and French (to name a few) must come together and solve this. And if we don't act like we did during World Wars I and II, the world will have not only lost the war, but our future as well.
In response, someone who loves The Lord of the Rings put it perfectly when he said, "It is time to light the signal fires and muster the Rohirrim!"
Having said that, I believe our country is at war with other enemies. Ones not containing a single-strand of Wuhan virus, but ones that shares our television channels and spend taxpayer money: the media and government officials. For those of you who think I'm reckless in calling them my enemy, I don't know what else to say. They're either ignorant, or on the other side.
Anyone who has listened to the media during one of Trump's coronavirus task meetings has to ask the question -- whose side are they on? It may be rhetorical, but is their hatred for all things Trump so virulent that they will throw the country's future under the bus just to watch him fail?
Here's how shameful the media has become --
Some media outlets have refused to show the task force press meetings, claiming they are Trump campaign speeches. Like always, they would rather you listen to their biased talking heads, rather than figure it out yourself. Rest assured, if President Trump was making a fool of himself, it would be shown 24/7.
The media relentlessly pits Trump against his team physicians, trying to ridicule his comments as not being based on "science" as though that alone makes it true. The President has asked for and been given advice from Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and Admiral Adams. My fear is that he has put too much faith into pandemic models that have been proven wrong from day one. To a fault, Trump has remained faithful to his medical experts and not questioned the models being used for the nationwide shutdown. It's time to act on data-based proof, not the original China supplied numbers.
Nonetheless, when the media is rebuked by Dr. Birx or Admiral Adams, they scream racism or sexism, which is laughable considering how both physicians fall into the liberal's realm of identity politics.
I still view social media sites as part of the same bias. How else can you explain censorship of videos and comments made by those who support the President or who provide potential cures for the virus? Recently, UTube removed a controversial video by two urgent care doctors from California claiming it violated their community guidelines, including content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local health authorities. What a pile of you know what. So doctors dealing with this virus everyday are wrong, but medical experts squirreled away in some academic school or bureaucratic government position are right? Apparently only if you favor censorship.
The media refuses to give Trump credit for anything he has been right about. Trump was right about the origins of the virus. It has been mentioned many times and by a number of doctors in China that the virus came from Wuhan, with the likelihood of a lab, not a wet market, as being its source. The President was also right about stopping flights coming from China, not to mention closing our Mexico and Canadian borders. He's also right about touting hydroxychloroquine as an effective virus-fighting medication if issued under strict medical guidance.
And lately he mused about using light, heat and disinfectants as potential treatments for fighting the virus. Ultraviolet light is already being used and we commonly use disinfectants like hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse. But of course the media twists his words to claim "Trump wants you to drink Clorox."
I don't know what's worse, the media twisting Trump's comments or people actually believing it. So in the interest of those not smart enough to know the difference, please don't mix bleach with your salad dressing. Not a good idea.
The media -- on a national, state and local level -- continue to post daily death totals. Did they do that with President Obama during the H1N1 pandemic? Of course not, (so let me remind you -- 60 million cases in the United States alone)! These tallies allow them to scare ignorant people into remaining compliant and permits the media to equate the death totals to gross negligence by the government (i.e., more deaths than the entire Vietnam War). In other words, this current administration is so inept, out-of-touch, dangerous and untruthful that they must be removed as quickly as possible. Or, at the latest, in November.
So while enemy number one remains the Wuhan virus, other stealth forces are at work. They are welcomed into our homes every night under the guise of objective journalism. What they are doing today is a far cry from what I learned going to journalism school. This country and every small business -- be a restaurant or family run painting business -- is ill-served by our current agenda-driven media. We all deserve much better.
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Another front in this war is the actions of Congress and state governors to limit our civil liberties and control our daily lives. Like some politicians have said -- "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Early on, our government was saying "We must flatten the curve!" It was an effort to reduce the number of people infected so hospitals could handle the sudden influx of patients. It would also give our medical world a chance to find treatments or cures, further lessening the virus's effect. Flattening the curve was based on the premise that until a vaccine was developed, nothing would stop the spread.
Well, flattening the curve has worked -- the number of infected and dead has been minuscule compared to the early model projections. We've dropped projections from over 2 million deaths to under 100,000. Like I said, that's great.
But now we are being told it's not enough. Now we must prevent people from dying. In the words of New York Governor Cuomo, "even if we save one life, it will be worth it." I'm tired of hearing how one life is worth the costs of staying home. Or how someone who doesn't stay home is selfish and risks killing innocent people.
What Cuomo and other elitists like him are ignoring is the health care costs of crushed lives and dreams, the human costs of lost jobs and careers and of nest eggs broken on the ground. Have they anticipated the lives lost to depression, drug and alcohol addiction, suicide and despair in a country where abortions are considered essential, but heart stints and CT scans are not?
I fear not. Or worse, if they have, then how do they justify one loss over the other? I doubt their arrogance allows them to see the damage they are responsible for creating.
So we've managed to flatten the curve. Unfortunately, we've flattened the economy as well.
Today's unemployment report showed 30 million people without jobs over the last 6 weeks. In just a few weeks we have gone from 3.5% unemployment to the worse unemployment numbers in our country's history. It's probably not fair to compare the Wuhan virus's effect on America by comparing 60,000 deaths to 30 million unemployed, but it raises some serious questions. Chief among them is does our government have the "moral authority" to lock us down? Can they fine us or throw us in jail for public and private gatherings?
Democrat governors from Michigan, California, New Jersey and New York seem to think so. The governors of New York, Michigan and New Jersey are showing their full, authoritarian tendencies by closing gardening centers and fining citizens who are not wearing masks or getting too close when in public.
Does keeping someone "safe" permit our elected officials to take away our rights?
I've said this many times to my friends -- this is the first time doctors can remember when we quarantine healthy people. Not the sick. Not those at risk. Proponents will argue that there's a difference between isolation and quarantine. I don't see the difference when you are forcing the vast majority to isolate themselves from others in the interest of "remaining safe."
In addition, many medical professionals are saying isolation is actually hurting us. I hate to repeat myself, but there are only two ways to defeat the Wuhan virus -- a vaccine (not coming anytime soon) and herd immunity. Hiding in our houses will not accomplish either one. So we are putting off the inevitable by isolating ourselves from others. What we're not putting off is the destruction of so many people's dreams and aspirations. For many restaurants and small businesses that make up the 30 million unemployed, that destruction is well underway.
So we are in a war with emergency measures in place. Never in the history of our civilization have we so willingly given up so much without a fight. Why did so many die in World War 1 and 2? Or the Korean War? Or Vietnam? Had we lost, would America be much different? The problem we have as a nation fighting this war is that too many authoritarian, "play it safe" politicians and members of a corrupt media are on the enemy's side.
For us to survive we all need to be on the same side.
Amen and amen!