Just talking a lot and saying nothing
And sayin' nothing, and sayin' nothing."
- James Brown
Last week's inauguration of Donald Trump as America's 45th President brought out the frustrations of the left who continue to struggle with a failed election. You could see it in the faces of Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton who just wanted to be anywhere but the inauguration. Or the face of Cathy Mc Morris Rogers, who shrouded in a black cowl, looked like the re-incarnation of a Sith Lord.
How was it possible for the greatest woman of our time to lose to Donald Trump, a loud-mouthed New York businessman with no political experience?
Since that eventful night, the left has tried to answer that question by calling for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. When that failed, they challenged the legitimacy of Trump's victory, saying the Russians hacked into our election process. When that failed they took to the streets to vent their frustrations and in some cases damage property and physically attack Trump supporters. They are already delaying confirmation of Trump's cabinet -- a dangerous proposition given the state of world affairs. Their ultimate nuclear option will be Trump's impeachment.
It's clear to me that those who lost last November's election are incapable of accepting Trump as their president.
I know, like -- you think?
Last year's election was supposed to be Act II of the left's Master Plan to fundamentally change America. For the past sixty plus years, the left has been patiently changing our education system, our courts, our churches, the media and finally our political system. Having successfully installed the nation's first socialist President (carefully chosen for the color of his skin), the left was celebrating over the possibility of tearing down the rest of America's foundation with the election of Hillary Clinton (chosen for her anatomy). Just the prospect of Hillary picking Supreme Court justices for the next generation was giving many of them spontaneous orgasms.
Despite an unusual preference for pantsuits, Hillary was still expected to win the presidency in a landslide. So confident was the left of their success in November that they failed to hide their true ambitions, leading to a campaign that favored opinions on both coasts, but not the heartland of America.
Miraculously, Donald Trump survived the primaries where he dispatched the RINOs and Republican establishment. None gave him much of a chance against the HildaBeast, including me, who was so convinced of his failure that I didn't even watch the election results.
On the same day that I watched -- in stunned exuberance -- his acceptance speech from Trump Towers, supporters of Hillary rubbed their eyes in disbelief and decided they were having a very bad dream. To this day, I'm sure many are still convinced last November's election never happened.
As reality sinks in, they cannot change course. Parades, organized to celebrate Hillary's ascendancy, quickly became marches celebrating the liberation of nasty women. Hollywood scripts that were green lighted six months ago are currently collecting dust on producers' desks. And the Washington establishment -- both Democrat and Republican -- is meeting in dark closets and dusky bars trying to re-allocate their political capital in the new Age of Trump.
-- SF --
I experienced this denial first hand when a friend tried to get people on Facebook to "talk" about the election and discuss the inauguration of Trump." God bless her big liberal heart, but nothing I say or anyone else says will change the outcome of the election. People are not going to re-think their vote based on a post from BBC News, POLITICO or The Truth Examiner. I'm certainly not going to rethink my position on illegal immigration after being told I'm a white supremacist by some guilt-ridden professor at UW-L.
Talking isn't going to change the new direction in which this country is headed either. No more BS on global warming, white privilege, illegal immigration or abortion (I think I just heard someone's uterus explode).
People on the left desperately want President Trump to be the president for all of America and not just a select group. They also want Congress to not be smug and ignore the opposition. Citing the last eight years of Republican obstructionism, the left says, "Work for the common good of this country and not special interest groups."
They continue, "Open up the lines of communication and listen..." Is that why they march to Washington demanding that President Trump be impeached? Or that he is not their president? When you ask them to condemn the vulgar language or hateful messages the left is quiet. Crickets can be heard.
Respectfully, I can only contain my laughter so long. Not once did I hear someone from the left admonish President Obama for saying we won. Get used to it.
For years, I've been hearing them say if only we could sit down and talk to the terrorists, they would understand we aren't bad people. I'm not sure if it's the psychedelic drugs they took in the 60's or the anti-depressant drugs they take now, but the left is delusional if they think ISIS has any interest in understanding American culture. The only reason they would agree to meet with you is to add ten more heads to telephone poles on their way to Mosul. I must admit I would pay a lot of money to see Madonna, Ashley Judd, Barbara Streisand, Scarlett Johansson, America Ferrera and Miley Cyrus sit down with someone like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to discuss the cultural benefits of American music and film.
I suspect the tragic result would give new meaning to Alicia Keys' song, "Girls on Fire."
I don't want to give anyone the idea that I don't like to discuss the issues. My journalistic tendencies still have me researching topics as best as I can. My sons will attest to the fact that I can talk about something for hours. My wife can attest to the fact that it drives her crazy. If there is value in talking, it's this -- you finally hear your kids say something besides "fine," "ok," and "good." And it does help to understand where the other person is coming from. But it still doesn't change my opinion that the Bears still suck and Hillary should never pose for Playboy.
I'm a big believer in action. Actions speak louder than words. In my business, if I say I'm going to do something I better damn well do it, or the next time I see my customer, I've lost my creditability and maybe their business. Trust is the result of following through on a promise, and I need my customers to trust me when I say they need additional protection or try to persuade them to move their business.
I know trust and politics don't go hand in hand, but those of us not in the political arena -- we must be honest. I'm not changing my position on an issue just because someone says, "but the scientific consensus is man is responsible for global warming." I don't trust scientists, journalists or doctors who have skin in the game.
Fake news has led to the breakdown of trust-worthy information on-line. It's led to the reporting of facts that suit a certain point of view. The stories either edit out important information or are deliberately misleading. It's become too easy for someone to report one thing, knowing it's false and then submit a retraction hours later. The original story is what people remember, not the retraction. The mysterious MLK bust that went missing from the Oval Office is a prime example. If this is what's happening over something so simple to verify, imagine what's going on elsewhere.
So talking about issues -- armed with facts that may or may not be true -- gets us nowhere.
-- SF --
My final point concerns the Women's March on Washington this past weekend. As advertisers have known for many years, a picture is worth a thousand words. And the organizers of the march knew this, which is why so many protesters were holding signs and wearing vaginas on their head (I still can't believe I just wrote that).
By now, we've all seen the horrible display of vulgarity and filth scattered throughout marches in Washington and other parts of the country. Women parading around topless and talking about their monthly periods. From speeches filled with profanity and vomit-inducing poetry, displays of the march in Washington left most men -- and quite a few women -- wanting NOTHING to do with these protesters. These women disgraced themselves much more than President Trump ever could.
Is this the image women want people to see?
Does showing me your private parts show strength? Does building a wall around your sex make you more attractive? Does hatred for all things male really provide empowerment? Is that what it means to be a woman, hear me roar?
If you really want to roar, how about holding the next march in the Middle East?
I've never been to a protest, but I would think you'd be interested in persuading other people to your point of view. Which begs the question -- what are they protesting? Trump? He just became president, so if they're protesting his policies, he has none. So they must have been basing their protest on his presidential campaign which didn't involve attacks on women. Unless you're calling Hillary a woman -- I know there's a joke here -- but I still think it would be better to call her his opponent. So that means they were protesting his locker room talk caught on tape -- but that was over 20 years ago.
So that only leaves his position on abortion. But was that even a factor in the election at all? Did he state a position on abortion?
There's no doubt his potential nominees for the Supreme Court have women fearful of losing their reproductive rights. Which I don't understand because we're talking about aborting life, not reproducing it. But honestly, we see this reaction every time a Republican president names someone for the Supreme Court The left is always concerned that the court is going to slant conservative, which means overturning Roe vs. Wade.
So that means this Women's March was mostly about abortion.
I'm sure there were positive messages to be made, and honest displays involving fully-clothed bodies, but I doubt they had any chance of being heard above the loud, nasty feminists featured on ABC, CNN and CBS. A purple haired lesbian was interviewed on Waters World and said she was there looking for a soul mate (I doubt she found one). Others stated they were there to push for equal pay and affordable health care. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't see how that's exclusive to being a woman.
I'm all for holding President Trump accountable for what he says and does. I'm also all in on treating women with respect and love -- my best friend and mother of our two sons is a woman. So the better she is, the better I am.
As for the women at the march on Washington, if you want to have a conversation about this election, you need to show some class, not your vaginas.
That's a message that speaks volumes and something I can listen to.
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