-- Bill Clinton
November 8, 2016 will be remembered as the day America stepped back from the edge of a precipice.
Over the past eight years, the conservative foundations that shaped my life had been violated, attacked, manipulated and trashed under the guise of fairness and political correctness. Had the HildaBeast won on Tuesday, I'm confident many of those foundations would have been pounded into dust, leaving little behind except fading photographs in a salute to long forgotten memories.
What happened? How did Trump -- hated by the left and abandoned by many on the right -- overcome unbelievable odds to bring America back? How could the media -- who gave Hillary anywhere from 70 to 100% chance of becoming president -- get it so wrong?
As best as I can explain -- it was repudiation from an electorate that had grown tired of a corrupt system of politicians and big businesses seeking to control the lives of ordinary people who simply want America to be great again. Ordinary people, fighting for a decent life were ignored by both parties in favor of illegal immigrants, alternative lifestyles and an increasingly intrusive government (think Obamacare).
I know that I had grown tired of being called a bigot, racist and sexist. Tired of feeling like I was doing something wrong every morning before the fog of sleep had left. I was angered over Obama's apology tour, my perceived white privilege in society, businesses too big to fail, the lies our media told about police brutality and last but not least, the need for safe zones in schools (Look! Someone wrote "Make America Great Again" in chalk on the sidewalk!)
Decent, law abiding people can only take so much. And because I am a God-fearing, law-abiding person I waited until the election to do something about it. No marching in the street at night, burning businesses and looting stuff that didn't belong to me. Apparently, at 58 years old, I need my beauty sleep.
I did what America has always done since the first votes were cast in 1789 for George Washington as for president: fill out a ballot and live with the results.
There have been forty-four men elected to the highest office in America and up to now, there has been a peaceful transition from one to the next. Despite the nightly protests claiming "Not our President" it is my hope that one of our country's most unique characteristics continues for the forty-fifth.
The liberal media has given many reasons for Trump's win on Tuesday. America refuses to have a woman president (and yet 40% of the people voting for Trump were women); Bernie Sanders' supporters failed to show up; old fashioned racism which wanted a return to traditional white rule (and yet more blacks and Latinos voted for Trump than during our last election); the fake FACEBOOK stories that tilted things Trump's way; and my favorite, the great divide between "educated" voters and those described as "working class" voters. The elite media not only failed to see this coming, they still haven't display a rudimentary understanding of the worldviews of those who voted for Trump (there isn't a better example than that of the monolithic, insulated political culture in our colleges and universities).
Perhaps the best reason is the simplest -- that Donald Trump remembered the forgotten men and women of this country. Our politicians were so enamored with fringe groups that they forgot about normal Americans, like me.
Instead they had nightly orgasms covering the following groups:
Activists, especially groups like Black Live Matter. Their violent tendencies were mostly acted out on other black people, but the forgotten men and women of America saw them on TV and were not amused. It turns out that people of any color -- black, white or yellow -- prefer to live in relative safety. Maybe it would have been different if they had victimized only whites, but they were abided and abetted by politicians who gave them "room to vent."
Or illegal aliens who have broken the law and entered this country. The forgotten men and women of America watched them take their jobs and collect welfare benefits for their anchor baby's support. They watched as non-citizens behaved badly, burning our flag and demanding free education and healthcare. The people of the United States are a tolerant group, even when the phone asks you "to press 1 for English." But there are limits and if our politicians skirt the law and welcome more to enter this country, they shouldn't be surprised when the forgotten stand up and say "enough!"
Or terrorists that have entered Europe and America under the guise of refugees. The forgotten men and women of America watched as radical Muslim refugees in France and Belgium killed, raped and terrorized innocent people in the name of Allah. They stood silent as Hillary and President Obama tried to calm their fears, then announced that they wanted to increase the number of refugees by over 500%. Politicians promised to vet the refugees carefully and to keep America safe, then built walls around their homes and traveled with armed bodyguards for protection.
I've seen and read enough Facebook posts to last a life time. No doubt family and friendships have taken a hit despite my best efforts to remain civil. I rarely responded, even when they angered me. As far as I can tell, I haven't been de-friended by anyone yet, but I suspect it will make for some quiet conversations during the holidays! I don't now how I turned out so different than my brother and sister, but somewhere along the line they fell under the voodoo spell of Comedy Central, MSNBC and CNN.
I play basketball with a sociology teacher that tried to explain the polarity of people's thinking by saying we are all heavily influenced by groups of like-minded people, who reinforce our thinking and isolate us from opposing opinions. But these groups attract people with similar thought and opinions which were there to begin with. So many of these people come to the group already sharing the same group think.
Seriously, Liz and I made the decision that we would not check on the election until the following morning. We'd been through enough heartbreak that we didn't want to sleep on another one. So, as I lay in bed the morning after the election -- without knowing the results -- I was thinking of smart responses that I could give to co-workers who were sure to be gloating over a Hillary win. I decided on something simple: "Well, at least Trump has pulled back the curtain on Washington politics."

Further proof that most Democrats running for office are truth-challenged. They can't tell people what they really hope to accomplish because people would refuse to vote for it. And as Wikileaks revealed over and over, they depend on the media to help shape their message.
For years, I've known the media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, but this year it became abundantly clear that almost all major network news and press organizations like the AP were totally in the bag for Hillary. The press was so confident that Hilary would win that they gave up trying to be balanced. The mainstream media ignored the Wikileaks barrage and Hillary's email controversy and instead defended her or simply didn't report some of the facts.
When I was going to journalism school in Madison during the 80's, there was still a desire to challenge government officials and find the truth (of course it helped that Reagan was president and everything he did was fair game). Today, if you are in the press, you are more likely to be handed an open invitation to a Hillary fundraiser than to be handed a top secret file describing her speeches to Wall Street big wigs in the shadows of some underground parking garage.
The Democrats biggest Super Pac was NBC, ABC and CBS.
But it wasn't just the Democrats who were exposed by Trump. When Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and John Kasich failed to stop the Trump train, a powerful group of Washington elites came forward to say that they would never vote for Trump. "Never Trumpers" -- people like George Will, Bill Kristol, John McCain, Mitt Romney, the most of the Bush family -- claimed that Trump presented such a unique threat to America and to the Republican party's legacy that it was ok for Hillary to win the election (and along with it, the reshaping of America to illegal immigration, and a Supreme Court leaning to the left).
It never occurred to me that so many people claiming to share my conservative views could be part of the same Washington ruling class that was tearing down this country. They were SO good at what they said that we kept voting them into power. They said: "Give us the House of Representatives and we will control the purse strings to shut down Omabacare!" Then it was "Give us the Senate and we can filibuster and stop Obama's radical agenda". Finally it was "Give us the White House and we will change the world."
Until the last man standing was Trump. Then everything changed. And then it was Never Trump! I should have listened to a good friend of mine from Grand Rapids (who has since passed away) who didn't trust Bush and what he was trying to do. Every year the evidence was in front of me, but I never believed it. In retrospect, I am no longer surprised by what has happened to my country over the past 30 years.
The straw that broke the camel's back came when FBI director James Comey found Hillary to be "careless" with her email accounts and private servers. Instead of being given an orange jumpsuit in a small cell in some high security prison, she was rewarded with the Democratic nomination for president. I'd heard that Comey couldn't bring himself to take down the Democratic candidate just weeks before an election. Or that there was no intent. The release by Wikileaks of her "lost" emails proved that was not the case. Her intent was to hide what she was doing.
The idea that anybody could look at what this woman did (selling special access while Secretary of State and later as the presumptive nominee for President) is abhorrent. No amount of shared commitment to abortion, or women's rights should excuse the corruption that surrounded this woman and the Clinton Foundation. To those of you who voted for Hillary despite this evil cloud of corruption, I can only wonder what is worse: not knowing, or not caring?
Ten years from now, we will know if Donald Trump was a game changer or a mistake. History will tell us what he accomplished as the 45th President of the United States (just not the history being taught to our children)... So going forward, I don't know what's going to happen.
I know what I want for America, and I hope this country gives him a chance to lead and make America great again...
Long live the forgotten Americans!
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