Apparently when Lady Gaga sings "I Was Born This Way," it only applies to the broke, evergreen, black, beige, chola or orient-made, gay, straight or bisexual. How do I know this? Because MTV and other "entertainers" want people like me -- a white male -- to feel guilty about my skin color and improve myself by ignoring what I see in the mirror.
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Can I hear an "Amen!" brothers?
While normally, I appreciate people looking out for my well-being, I think this is one time that I will ignore their leftist musings and follow the advice of another MTV star -- Taylor Swift -- and just "Shake It Off." I have enough things to worry about during the Christmas season -- like does this star on the top of my holiday tree upset my neighbor, or does wishing a client "Merry Christmas" send him into a seasonal depression. I don't need to complicate things any more than they are.
In many ways, I wish these social warriors were still fighting the war over gay marriage. Since that fight went down with a knockout in the first round, they've been looking for new battles to fight. It's just one white male's point of view, but I think their attack on white privilege is just another example of how much they hate this country's founding. To these young minds of mush, America's problem with race has deep roots. So deep that they go back to our country's beginning when the evil white man from Europe tried to exterminate one race (native Americans) and enslave another (blacks).
I realize MTV has been missing from my viewing sphere for some time (that would be over 30 years -- since the days they actually showed videos) -- but based on this video, I have to say that this channel serves no good purpose other than to keep some of these dimwits off welfare. It scares the hell out of me to think these are the same people who will graduate from the lollipop shrine of college and someday leave mom and dad's basement.
There are so many things about this video that remind me of the stupidity exhibited during an episode of Beavis and Butthead that I don't know where to begin, But in the interest of spending as little time thinking about it as I can -- here I go.
MTV's suggested resolutions:
Realize that America never was "great" for minorities.
Can we all just agree that Black Lives Matter isn't the opposite of All Lives Matter? Black lives just matter. There's no need to over complicate it." Another adds, "Cops weren't born with blue skin. Right? I mean, yeah. They weren't born blue.
White people need to learn what "mansplaining" is, and then stop doing it.
Nobody who has black friends say they have black friends.
Oh, and if you are a judge, stop prioritizing the well-being of an Ivy League athlete over the life of the woman he assaulted.
We all love Beyonce, and yes, she's black, so of course she cares about black issues. I'm talking to you FOX News.
I'm still not convinced these "youts" aren't just saying stupid stuff to gain recognition. Could they really be this ignorant? But, like I told the tatted high school senior with a pink mohawk -- if you really want attention, you should forget looking like something out of a Mad Max movie, and instead graduate at the top of your class. THAT will get you noticed.
Why is it that so many of these kids think the only way to achieve success is to look the part of a loser?
Another case in point are the guilt-ridden routines coming from late-night comedians struggling with the new normal. The Colberts, Stewards, Fallons, Kimmels, Olivers and not-funny-in-prime-time Saturday Night Live have been left in the dark over why the vast wasteland located between California and New York rejected Hillary Clinton's presidential bid to be cast as the main character in Woody Allen's movie "Take the Money and Run."
I was feeling so good about Trump's presidential victory that I thought it would be fun to watch an episode of Samantha Bee's Full Frontal. I was wrong. It didn't help that I was in a great mood.
Little did I know what I have been missing by not watching this show. Now I know: America's Canadian sweetheart wasted no time blaming white America for electing Donald Trump. (Apparently these days, to have a career in mainstream comedy you must mock the left's chief bogeyman -- the straight, white male.)
Bee's militant comedy went like this -- "It's pretty clear who ruined America. White people. The Caucasian nation showed up in droves to vote for Trump, so I don't want to hear a God da..... word about black voter turnout. How many times do we expect black people to build our country for us?"
Bee added, "And for the white Americans who didn't vote for Trump... you're not off the hook either. If all 3.3 million Muslims in America have to be held accountable for every radical terrorist, then white people better be ready to take responsibility for their peers, too."
Bee had a message for the 53% of white women who chose “a vial of weaponized testosterone” over the first female president. “Way to lean out,” she told them, before concluding with a call to action: “Let’s get off the floor and get busy. Especially you white women. We’ve got some karma to work off.”
There's a moment in time when you realize some people just aren't worth saving. Like when I see a spider running across the floor. I don't stop and direct it into a plastic cup and take it outside so it can find it's way back into my basement. No! I kill the monster and flush it down the toilet.

Apparently that applies whether you're black or white. I'm amazed at how many white liberals talk about white people being the problem. Don't they realize they are just as white as I am? Is there a magical elixir that is sprayed over their sleeping bodies at night that seeps into their skin? Do they wake up in the morning and see something the rest of us don't?
Actually, I think these misguided youth, professors and celebrities have been poisoned into thinking whites have certain unearned advantages just because of the color of their skin. Out of guilt, they try to correct these injustices by blaming whites for all the social injustices of the day.
Out of stupidity, they put it on YouTube, MTV and national television for the rest of us to see.
Like global warming, which keeps changing its definition to fit the current weather pattern, race relations are never allowed to heal. So eight years of Obama haven't improved race relations. They have made things worse. Why? Because Obama and his ilk have no intention of "healing" the injustices of the past. They want to continue milking that cow until it's as empty as Bill and Hillary's sex life.
The result is false narratives like "Hands Up! Don't shoot." or "Black Lives Matter" which perpetuate the racial divide and keep blacks and whites from ever sitting down and agreeing on a solution. What a shame and wasted opportunity to improve race relations! This will go down as Obama's greatest failure.
Since it is approaching the end of 2016, here are my white male resolutions concerning race --
Be glad you live in the United States. No one has done more to help more people in the world than the good 'ol' US of A..
God made all people in his image, so no one should be discriminated against. Including whites. If your church espouses a course on white privilege, it's time to move on. (The same applies to colleges and their America-hating communist professors.)
If you have liberal friends, tell them to stop looking at the color of one's skin. We're all the same on the inside.
Don't waste your time on bitter comedians who forgot to up their dosage of Prozac after the election. They're not worth your time. Watch Young Frankenstein, the original Ghostbusters and Planes, Trains and Automobiles if you want a good laugh. Better yet, anything with Danny Kaye. It will do wonders.
'Nuff Said! -- from the great Nina Simone, singing three days after the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. .