In case you forgot, the L.A. riots occurred after a verdict was read in the Rodney King case, acquitting the four officers who were caught on tape beating him. Outrage and protest turned to violence, as rioters in south-central Los Angeles blocked traffic, burned businesses and dragged motorists out of their vehicles and killed them.
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I've never understood how burning buildings or overturning vehicles is justified, whether celebrating an NBA championship or protesting the results of a trial. Destroying something because your city won a championship (which you had nothing to do with) boggles the mind; destroying something because you feel miserable or treated "unfairly" is just stupid.
This past 4th of July holiday, my wife and I were in Kalamazoo, Michigan visiting our "adopted" South Korean student who is going to summer school at Western Michigan University. During lunch she mentioned that one of her classes, English As Second Language, was discussing race in America. It was interesting to listen to her talk about what she called the "sensitivities" of race, specifically civil rights and the treatment of minorities over the decades. As a foreign student I'm sure she has a much different view of our racial issues, but one thing remained the same: she needed to be careful what she said and how she said it.
With the election of Barrack Obama as our first black president, many in the mass media predicted improved relations between whites and blacks. Whites even voted for Obama, so that was viewed as a positive. But that looks pretty ridiculous now considering the blatant attempts made by this administration (President Obama: "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"), the liberal media and black leaders to keep tensions high.
And now, we have the Trayvon Martin murder trial. With the George Zimmerman verdict expected this week or next, many are worried that there could be a repeat of the Los Angeles riots due to the racial emphasis placed on the trial. I guess we're about to find out just how far we've come in 20 years. I'm not optimistic, as I think the riots could easily spread out from Florida into other hot spots around the United States.
All with the blessings of those who stir the racial pot for political and social gain.
If you don't think that possible, think again.
It was just revealed by The Daily Caller that a division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida to provide assistance for anti-Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by Al Sharpton. The Community Relations Service, of the DOJ, helped manage protests in March and April of 2012, when they organized marches and demonstrations relating to "the shooting and death of a young African American teenager by a community watch captain."
Proof that the Obama Administration is actively flaming the racial fires, regardless of guilt or innocence. What does it say when our own government is involved in dividing this country based on race?
It's been 20 years since the Rodney King trial, 50 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended all state and local laws prohibiting racial segregation, 66 years since Jackie Robinson's Major League Baseball debut in 1947, and 143 years since the ratification of the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provided the right to vote in 1870.
That sounds like progress doesn't it? No question every one of those milestones was needed to treat people of all color, equally and with fairness. So why do I feel like things are only getting worse?
Maybe because they are.
I mentioned the George Zimmerman trial in Sanford, Florida. You need NO OTHER evidence to realize how important the issue of race is to Democrats. This trial wasn't even about race. But the left is making sure that everyone knows that the young teenager lying dead was black. Not Asian, not native American, not Hispanic. But black.
Stirring the race pot has been a huge advantage for them through the years (not to mention the latest presidential election when 92% of blacks voted for Obama).

The video, titled Raise Your Voice, Not Your Hands, focuses on attempting to channel aggressive reaction into a non-violent response. It depicts two youngsters, one black and one Hispanic. "We need to stand together as one, no cuffs, no guns," says the Hispanic girl. "Let's give violence a rest, because we can easily end up arrested," says the black boy. "I know your patience will be tested, but law enforcement has your back," they conclude.
Can't you just feel the fear law enforcement and businesses have as this trial winds down? It's safe to say the police are stocking up on body armor and rubber bullets. And business owners are taking additional security precautions.
Again, I can only ask, how is this possible? Haven't we learned anything from the L.A. riots? I won't claim to know the verdict in the Zimmerman trial, but I do know this:
1. The Democratic Party requires racial tensions to push their agenda for welfare and other social programs that are funded by big government. If blacks ever escaped "the ghetto," who would liberals use as proof that we must do more to help the poor and discriminated? I suppose Hispanics would do just fine, as the Democrats already own 75% of their vote.
Either way, liberals represent deep pockets to poor blacks and minorities who need assistance. Every election cycle, Democrats are quick to offer social programs -- education grants , affirmative action and health programs -- that keep them on the dole, and on the Democratic side of the voting ballot.
The sad truth is that many of the liberal social policies instituted as part of President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" actually hurt black families. These programs have done more to damage traditional sources of help (like the family) and prevented financial independence for many blacks.
2. The liberal media not only support, but encourage racial division. It's terrible to say, but the media wields dangerous words to divide this nation. Whether asking questions designed to trip up naive politicians or celebrity chefs like Paula Deen -- if it involves race, the media will jump all over you. And if you don't give them a racially divisive comment, they will fabricate one.
Here's proof: NBC News has fabricated stories and altered words to make it look like George Zimmerman said something bad. NBC selectively edited the original Zimmerman 911 call to make him sound racist.
Here's how NBC News spliced the tape to sound like Zimmerman, without prodding, gave Martin's race: "This guy looks like he's up to no good, he looks black."
In reality, Zimmerman said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something and he's just walking around, looking about." The 911 operator then asked Zimmerman for Martin's race. "He looks black," was his response. Big difference, don't you think?
3. Race baiters like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Harry Belafonte, and congressmen John Conyers and Charles Rangel will never stop pushing the divide between blacks and whites. There is too much money and political power to be had. These so-called black leaders are quick to promote perceived injustices like the Tawana Brawley rape hoax, or lead protests against white business owners (Harlem, N.Y.) that have ended in deadly shooting rampages. Instead of questioning the Obama administration about increased black on black violence, higher black unemployment, and fatherless families, race baiters stand before a microphone and blame poverty and the white establishment for their troubles. I watch in stunned disbelief as followers fall at their feet like they're heavenly sent.
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If anyone took the time to really challenge these blowhards, they would be trampled underfoot because the media has their back. As a matter of fact, they must have a direct phone line -- a media bat phone -- because I see Jesse and Al on television all the time. The news media is just waiting to use their inflammatory words to stir the hearts and minds of young, black teenagers, all under the banner of racial injustice.
Making it worse, no one is willing to challenge them because our society has become so sensitive to attacks on race. Attack the Rev Jesse Jackson and you could have the Black Panthers knocking on your door.
Any guess what they are saying about George Zimmerman?
There is no doubt which side they are on, as is evident by these words from hip hop pioneer, Russell Simmons: "Whether George Zimmerman is found innocent or guilty by the jury, I am a firm believer that all of us live by karmic law, and he will ultimately be punished for the death of Trayvon, no matter what."
So much for being innocent until proven guilty!
Think of the good these "black leaders" could have if they spent more time in churches and schools mentoring young blacks, rather than appearing before a television audience whining about racial injustice.
It has been more than 21 years since The Cosby Show changed the fortunes of NBC and made television sitcom history. Too bad the family life portrayed in that show, which showed a strong, family unit with a mother and father, was ridiculed for not being realistic. The Cosby show had all the ingredients of a successful family. Cosby was a doctor, his wife was a lawyer, and their children went to college. At the same time, they embraced their black culture, their religion, their heritage and their music. Characters on the show dressed appropriately, spoke respectfully, and listened to their elders.
So why isn't that the racial model we pursue in America? Why is Trayvon Martin the poster-child of the left, and not Bill Cosby? The answer is why race continues to separate this country, and why it's not getting any better.
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