Not anymore. In this age of political correctness, the sports page has less to do with actual scores than settling a score.
Take the Jason Collins announcement on Monday. Based on the amount of coverage -- and the near unanimous praise -- given to it by major network news anchors, ESPN, sports talk radio and magazines like Sports Illustrated, you'd figure we've just seen the second coming of Jackie Robinson. Instead, all we have is a black basketball player who announced he is gay. The media is claiming this is big because he is the first openly gay, active athlete in a major American team sport to come out. I'm sorry, but he is an aging, 34-year old basketball player (currently without a team) who is approaching the end of his career, averaging 1 point, 1.6 rebounds and .02 assists per game. A good guy, I'm sure. But Kevin Durant or Michael Jordan he's not. Never has been and never will be.
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Jason Collins |
And for this he is being called "a true pioneer," and his announcement a "historic decision" by CNN's Anderson Cooper. Bill Clinton said, "I am proud to call (him) a friend." I bet! Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat tweeted, "Jason Collins showed a lot of courage today and I respect him for taking a stand and choosing to live his truth." Kobe Bryant gushed, "Proud of (Jason). Don't suffocate who you are because of the ignorance of others."
I ask again: what does this have to do with sports?
All it has to do with is spreading the political correctness of the leftist media who demand we show love for all things gay. It's an orgasmic smorgasbord of gay marriage, gay characters on prime time television, gay interior designers and gay politicians. All being supported by the press/ media, our public education system and civil rights activists. If you disagree, you are classified as simple, ignorant and capable of spewing bigotry and hate.
Did someone decide in the middle of the night that 2013 was going to be the year of being gay? I feel like every day, my traditional way of life is being threatened by the left.
My son (and most high school / college students) would say gays just want to be treated equally. They want the same rights as heterosexuals. I'm sorry, but being gay isn't a right. Being treated fairly while being black, female or disabled is a right. You can't change the fact that you're black or female (although Michael Jackson and Chaz Bono tried). That's why I support their rights to be treated the same as someone who is white or male. But you can chose if you're going to have sex or not.
And stop shoving it in my face. I'll let you lead your life the way you want until you demand I approve of it.
I honestly don't care what most people do in bed. I'm probably one of the few who didn't care about President Clinton's sex life. People like Clinton and Kennedy got around, but why should I care? I remember how the media refused to break the Monica Lewinsky story because they thought it was no body's business what Clinton did. Funny how 18 years later, the same people can't wait to tell us about Jason Collin's adventures in bed.
As for Jason Collins' announcement, I can't believe the backlash being written about the few who have spoken out against his "courageous" lifestyle. On, columnist Jen Floyd Engel completely misses the boat by bashing Christians (who in her opinion) are spewing a gospel of hate.
She writes: Jason's admission unleashed a torrent of Biblically-annotated vile so ugly, so hateful from the good "Christians" of the internet that I have to believe Jesus was somewhere saying "Keep my name out of your mouth." She continued: For every (loving) President Obama and Kobe Bryant tweet, there was an army of judgmental, homophobic, angry Christians condemning Collins to hell in Jesus' name on Twitter, in columns, on TV and radio.
The sad reality is this bellowing minority has drowned out the silent majority of Bible-believing Christians who take very seriously Jesus' call to "love one another as I have loved you' (John 13:34). This is just the beginning. Much of what Jesus says in the Bible translates to "coach your own team" in the sports version. John 8:7 is especially instructive as Jesus says, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone."
I do not pretend to have all the answers. But what I know for sure is people who get their salvation from the New testament would be wise to get their doctrine from the old. And when in doubt, ask yourself, what did Jesus say? What days like Monday do are turn people away from Christianity, and make them view good Christians as phony. It is not un-Christian to admire Collins.
So Engel asks, "What did Jesus say?" Lets check.
In Romans 1:24-27, Jesus says, "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women... Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."
In Leviticus 18:22 Jesus says, "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable." In chapter 20:13, he says, "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
Finally in 1 Corinthians 6:9, he says, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, not men who practice homosexuality."
Sounds pretty clear to me. Jesus did not favor homosexuality and no amount of double talk by this journalist or Christians who want to reward people like Jason Collins with praise on high, is going to change it.
A pastor friend of mine explains it this way: "Jesus said go and sin no more. He may love the sinner, but he doesn't love the sin." This fact seems to escape those who think Jesus was tolerant of the sin being committed by the prostitute, or the envy by Adam and Eve, or the pride of the Pharisees in the temple. "Jesus would never endorse a sin," my friend said. His sermon this week asks "what is happening to our world?"
What is happening is traditional Christians who believe in the Bible are being made to look like hypocrites who don't follow Jesus' message of forgiveness and understanding.
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Jason Whitlock, racist journalist |
He said, "Tolerance will be met with intolerance, fairness will be mitigated by unfairness, intellectual evolution will be thwarted by dogma. Soon there will be a last call for alcohol at the Jason Collins party, the kind words will quit pouring in and the forces of regression will pick apart his exquisitely crafted story, question his motives and loudly protest that the gay man's seat at the table of equality will lead to the ruin of this great nation."
So he is saying that coming out gay leads to equality for Jason Collins. And that the Bible and those who believe it represent intolerance, unfairness and religious dogma. Does everything with these leftists have to be about equality? I can't image going through my day completely consumed by such a feeling of unfairness. Someone needs to get Jason Whitlock a new box of crayons! Preferably with colors other than black.
Jason was just getting started. He continues, "My friend and one of the best people I know, ESPN NBA reporter Chris Broussard, claimed that Collins and all gay people are in "open rebellion" of God's will. CBS radio host and TV personality, Tim Brando made it perfectly clear that he doesn't regard Collins as any kind of hero. Brando also said, "Simply being a Christian, white male over 50 that's raised a family means nothing in today's culture."
Well Tim, it does mean you're more likely to get a loan from a bank, less likely to be profiled by the police, more likely to get a six-figure job, and more likely to be afforded every privilege and benefit of the doubt this country has to offer.
Huh? Is that why I feel so loved by members of the media? And why today's television sitcoms embrace my traditional way of life? What planet do these reporters live on? Since 2008, racial relations have never been worse. During the last two years, gay and lesbian relationships have never been more at odds with heterosexual relationships. I've heard "intolerant" so many times lately, that I'm thinking of having it tattooed onto my forehead to save them the trouble of repeating it.
And Jason, don't get me started on why there are so few white players in professional basketball. If you want to talk about equality, let's get a few more slow, white guys who can't jump. According to you, that shouldn't be held against them any more than Jason Collin's sexual preferences.
Whitlock concludes by saying, "Gay youths need prominent role models in all walks of life, most especially in sports. As a kid, I was the typical insensitive, unenlightened jock bully. It's unfair. Kids don't chose to be gay. We need to recognize and respect the full scope of humanity. Jason Collins can help us do that. I fully expect -- and quite frankly demand (the commissioner) use his power to ensure that Jason Collins has a job in the NBA for 82 games next year. This is a chance for basketball to be as important as baseball in 1947." Seriously?
The significance of Jason Collins coming out party is not the fact that he is gay. To reporters like Whitlock and Engel, his coming out is just another political initiative that fits their liberal mold of a contemporary America. No morals, acceptance of low standards and the destruction of traditional values.
Liberals are tearing down our families, our military and now our sports page. What a shame the majority of people listening and reading their editorials don't know it.
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