I'm sorry.
Today -- November 6, 2012 -- a majority of voters ended what it means to be an American. Despite being a beacon of ethical individualism, a paragon of untethered capitalism and a benevolent force that withstood the evils of fascism, communism and radical Islam, America finally lost its standing as the western world's last example of a free society.
After more than 200 years, those who made America the land of the free, are no longer in the majority.
As Abraham Lincoln said in his Lyceum speech on January 27, 1838, "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
Who would have thought one hundred-seventy-four years later, America would succumb to the temptations of Barrack Obama and the Democratic party's false promises of "hope and change", and a classless society? In fact, fifty-two percent of America put a president back into office despite a horrible economic record, a campaign based a "war on women" and a booming federal deficit. And rejected a man who had provided balanced budgets, worked on a bipartisan basis while governor, and turned around failing business, including the 2002 Olympics.
I'm still asking myself "what's happened to the America I used to know?"
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Twenty years later, I was moving up in the world -- the girl of my dreams had said "yes," my first son had turned four, and we had just moved into our second home, nestled among the peach and apple orchards of southwestern Michigan. I remember like it was yesterday: the joy I felt as I lay in the grass of our backyard looking up to blue skies and drifting clouds. My hopes were high, and our family's future looked bright.
President Reagan, who had led us out of the recession of Jimmy Carter's doing, had been replaced by another man of integrity and honor, President George H. Bush. During those good years (the late 1980's), the United States was still a "shining city... a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace..."
More than 20 years later, I now feel foolish to think that such vision and faith in the human spirit would continue. At some point during my lifetime, the citizens of this great country changed. The American Dream -- getting an education, working hard and achieving success -- lost its appeal. Those striving for prosperity became a pariah to those voting in elections.
We somehow lost our momentum through the Clinton and Bush presidencies -- but to be honest (in looking back) those winds of unrest had been gathering new focus and intent for years. Traditional families lost their cohesion, God fell out of favor, love of country was replaced with love of self, and union influence dominated our educational and judicial institutions, as well as the workplace.
Equally damning was the emergence of the liberal media. Early in the 20th century, the media was hard on both political parties, but with more and more liberal journalists gaining prominence in our media -- newspapers, television and magazines -- their passion for fact finding turned regularly into attacks on conservative ideals. Watergate became the calling card for a new generation of "investigative journalists." Within a single lifetime, mainstream journalism lost all pretense of unbiased reporting. They have clearly put all their chips on the left, with no apologies.
Today, more youth get their news from Comedy Central and Saturday Night Live than ABC, NBC and CBS combined. The internet, blogs and You Tube videos have expanded the aberration of what is broadcast on TV as mainstream news.
Many voters who elected Obama to a second term no longer read newspapers, or bother to research candidates' claims (immigrants even fight the need to learn our language). This has led many youth to get their news through highly opinioned web sites and late night appearances on liberal talk fests like David Letterman, Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Fallon (let's get our news with a dose of comedy). Unfortunately, the ones being made to look foolish and dumb are usually the conservative choice.
The cover up this year from the major networks on important stories like Libya, Solyndra, and Fast and Furious was unparalleled and (as a fellow journalist) perhaps I'm more sensitive than most. I know there's media bias on both sides, but how thin skinned is Obama that he has to complain when it's 6 to 1 in his favor?
So Matt and Sean, I want to apologize for what has happened to this once great nation on our watch. One of the most important things parents can do for their children is provide a better future. Perhaps that thinking is what misled us. Perhaps your mom and I loved you so much that we forgot to teach you how hard it was to achieve success and to appreciate this great nation. Rather than saving for your own car, we gave you one. Going to college? -- let us pay for it. Don't worry about a job, focus on doing well in school.
I don't know...
I'd like to think that we raised you to value family, honesty and hard work. But somehow our society -- and I'm including my generation as well -- focused on the wrong things.
For generations, our forefather fought in wars, putting their country first. With the perceived failures in Vietnam, the mandatory draft became a thing of the past . Love of country and self sacrifice died as quickly as those brave souls who lost their lives in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Believe me when I say that I'm glad that you didn't have to fight in any wars -- but perhaps by doing so, your focus drifted to blaming America for those wars. How could you not see that we were liberating Iraq from a bloodthirsty murderer who had beheaded mothers and fathers in front of their children, gassed thousands of Kurdish villagers, tortured hundreds of "conspirators" by gouging out eyes, chopping off limbs or executing others who displeased him simply because they would not allow him to take their virgin daughters?
Where did this idea that America was the bad guy come from?
Surprisingly, most of the criticism comes from within our borders. Starting with our public schools.
Columbus's discovery of America is being re-written in history books, as is the treatment of Native Americans and their culture. High schools and colleges focus on the bad behavior of a few soldiers who interrogate prisoners with water boarding to gain information that saves thousands of lives. Candidate Romney was right when he said that President Obama took an apology tour, claiming America was to blame for everything from global warming to Middle East unrest.
The push in schools to allow our children to travel abroad encouraged your mom and me to send you to Europe, Asia and South America. Perhaps somewhere along the way, you were allowed to think those countries were better. As taught in school, these countries had many of the things missing in America -- economic and social fairness, equality for all.
The trouble is that none of these countries will ever be as good as America once was. I've heard both of you come home from school saying communism was the fairest form of government, despite it's failure. Every country that has tried communism, socialism and radical Islam has failed miserably. Too bad schools don't see it that way.
Look at the current crises facing Great Britain and Europe. Socialist doctrine reduced Great Britain from a super power to one that is a pale shade of what it once was. Prime Minister Attlee embraced it, Churchill fought it to no avail, and Margaret Thatcher (at best) held it in check. No one has been able to go back to the way it was. Some countries are either over the edge (Greece), heading full speed toward the cliff (France) or suffering a slow death (Germany). What makes anyone think America will be any different?
Apparently we either don't believe it will happen here or, worse, we don't care.
For many immigrants, America still represents that shining city President Reagan spoke about thirty-five years ago. Unfortunately, more and more immigrants today are coming to our country uneducated and non-skilled, looking for government assistance. The breakdown of this year's election indicated the majority of Latinos who voted for Obama didn't do it because of Republican anti-immigration policies -- they did it for the benefits promised by Democrats.
There are more elected minorities in the Republican Party than the Democrat Party. Yet former Secretary of State Condi Rice, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, governors Nikki Haley (South Carolina) and Susana Martinez (New Mexico) are made fun of by most of your friends. If any of these politicians were Democrats, they would be loved and defended by the media and minority groups. But no -- rather than applaud their struggles and success, they are called uncle toms and culturally incorrect. No wonder I worry about your generation.
Matt and Sean, I wish you could have seen America through my eyes as a child. The great things we did, the hope our country had for its future and its indispensable courage against impossible odds. As a child, I saw us land on the moon... Today, NASA is out of business.
We didn't make excuses or complain about what our neighbors had. If nothing else, we sought out what they did and tried to do it ourselves. It was a great time to grow up -- we were proud to be Americans.
America used to be about merit -- talent that should be allowed to rise and prosper. It didn't pick winners based on race, sex or age. There was no "war on women," "fair share," "one percent" or "affirmative action" needed to embraced this philosophy. Teachers, students, laborers and business owners were all allowed to succeed. And immigrants knocked on our borders to have a shot at it.
Somehow we've gotten away from it. And I'm afraid there's no turning back.
Agree with everything you said. We have seen the first tipping point election, when the takers of gov't largesse finally outnumber the producers. We have elevated the urban political apathy - that political disinterest formerly confined to cities wherein you would see crack using and convicted felons like Marion Berry re-elected, and more recently Jesse Jackson Jr re-elected by a landslide while hiding in rehab for most of the year. We have now seen that same poisonous, big-city mentality lifted to the federal level.
ReplyDeleteI think, if and when historians ever deconstruct the downfall of America, unions will be the source. Initially in the private sector,driving productive, manufacturing jobs first south then out of the country. But ultimately, market forces were reigning in private sector unions and would have made them rational components of a mature industrial economy. However, before this could happen, public sector unions succeeded in strangling liberty in the name of protecting themselves.
With vast electoral swathes beyond the reach of political contest and therefore beyond debate - California, New York, Illinois, then the entire NE and the entire NW, and finally the rust belt - I see no hope for any real incremental fix. If states that disagreed could secede and provide examples of successful limited governance, this could be corrected, but the Civil War forever made secession unavailable. E