Actually, if I could chose a few more word to describe a democrat, I'd include: parasitic, elitist and destructive.
I don't know if it's the delusional Occupy Wall Street crowd that has me riled up, but I just can't take anything the donkey party says anymore as being truthful. President Obama wants to tax the rich and then takes millions from Wall Street donors, Senator Reed lies about private sector job growth and the media doesn't challenge his assertions, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson gets on the air to talk about black economic injustice, then retires to a thirty-seven thousand square foot mansion worth $15 million.
So it's time we look at these hypocrites for what they really are, social engineers who manipulate our taxes, religion, race and the environment to shape a world of their dreams, while ignoring their own reality.
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Always a hot issue, but because of Obama's feverish attack on the rich, it's especially interesting to study the actions (reality) of democrats when it comes to paying higher taxes. Recently some big time Democrats were saying that "paying taxes is patriotic" or "what you do to be an American." In donkey speak that means poor children are starving to death and schools are going broke because the rich aren't paying their fair share.
Meanwhile, then-Senator Tom Daschle failed to pay more than $100,000 in back taxes, Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner also failed to pay taxes he owed, Senator John Kerry tried to avoid taxes on his million dollar yacht by building it in a low-tax state, and Representative Chuck Rangel (the chairman of the House Ways & Means committee which spends our tax dollars!) was convicted for dodging taxes. Not surprising, all of them said they had forgotten to pay their taxes until it became public knowledge. And instead of being in jail like normal tax cheats, they continue to represent their constituents in Congress and the Obama Administration.
Outside of Washington D.C., super rich Democrats like rap producer Russell Simmons, rapper Kayne West and Hollywood millionaires like Bette Midler and Alec Baldwin called for fairness, saying that they would be happy to pay more in taxes. That is, until someone asks them to send a check to Washington if they want to pay more. At which point , these boneheads immediately pucker-up and say, "I WON'T SEND THEM A CHECK, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT MY MONEY TO GO THE THE BIG WAR MACHINE AND OTHER THINGS." Uh, sorry, guys but you don't get to say where you're money goes and what it gets spent on.
On the other hand, wouldn't it be great if we could decide that our tax money wasn't going to pay for abortions, transgender sex operations and expensive oversea trips by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her entourage?
Nothing separates dream from reality like the tolerance Democrats plead for when it comes to arts, literature, sexual preferences ... and religion. You can't throw a brick in Wisconsin without hitting someone who will remind you about separation of church and state, before handing out a democrat registration card. It's alright to put a crucifix in a glass of urine and call it art, but don't try to include a silent prayer at a high school graduation ceremony. Every year there are lawsuits filed by atheist groups who say religious monuments can't be left on public land because it violates separation of church and state.
Why are liberals so afraid of religion? And in particular, why do people who claim to be SO tolerant of things suddenly find it offensive to pray to God? I'm still in amazement at the list of complaints filed in La Crosse court by members of a local food coop who wanted a monument of the ten commandments moved from a nearby public park. "Even though I don't look at it, I still get ill thinking about that monument every time I ride my bike by the park," one atheist claimed. Another moaned, "I can't sleep at night because of that monument. I'm getting ill."
Is it because liberals refuse to acknowledge right and wrong, or a higher power that condemns their lies and misrepresentations? I work with someone who said to me once that she was so appreciative of the things a pastor said for her mother's funeral. I think it's one of the few times she had ever been in church, and it's probably the last time she's been there since. So with her, religion is a necessity (and something beautiful) when someone dies, but every other day it's just another impediment to her way of life.
About the only time these hypocrites are comfortable with religion is when someone will say "But if Jesus was alive today, he would..." As an example, I read recently that someone at CNN said that Jesus would be down at Occupy Wall Street because he was always on the side of the poor and disadvantaged. It may be that Jesus often helped the disabled, needy and simple, but I doubt very much that he would appreciate the sinful lives many of these protesters lead. In a Democrat's view, Jesus isn't someone to worship -- just someone to use as a roadblock to Republican efforts to promote self reliance.
More hypocrisy!
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Cain -- not black enough? |
The election of President Obama should have opened the door to better race relations between Democrats and Republicans, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. Every time someone is critical of Obama, Democrats bring out the RACE card. Ignore the failed policies, debt and socialist agenda -- people are just racists, who can't get past Obama's skin color.
I've said it many times before, but the only party that seems obsessed with skin color is the Democrat Party. That applies to Hispanics, African-American or Muslims. Some of the most over the top racial comments come from Democrats who are critical of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Juan Williams, Bill Cosby and most recently presidential candidate Herman Cain.
Liberal Harry Belafonte recently criticized Cain's comments about how racism isn't holding black people back: Belafonte said, "It's very hard to comment on someone who is so denied intelligence. Someone who has denied such a view of history." This jackass continued, "Because he happened to have good fortune hit him, he had a moment where he broke through... does not make him the authority of the plight of people with color."
"The Republican party, the Tea Party, all those forces to the extreme right have consistently tried to come up with representations of what they call black, what they call the real Negroes," he said, citing Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell. "Herman Cain is just the latest incarnation of what is totally false to the needs of our nation. I think he's a bad apple, and people should look at his hole card, he's not what he says he is."
So a black Republican telling black minorities to pull themselves up and make something of their lives IS NOT what this county needs, huh? I guess they would prefer to keep them dependent on government handouts and failed minority programs. Democrats don't believe minority Hispanics and blacks are capable of taking care of themselves (think housing, education and marriage). Therefore, someone with a positive message must be an impostor.
There is something seriously wrong with Democrats like Harry Belafonte. And it isn't his skin color.
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines hypocrisy as the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. I can't think of better examples than the actions of Obama, 1/2 of Congress and most of Hollywood. Democrats, every one.
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