"Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story
No harm no foul no crime
Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story
It'll get 'em every time."
-- Gaelic Storm
Recent events from Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island, New York, infer that American police officers are racists and that a bigoted white society tolerates unnecessary (sometimes lethal) force against black minorities.
The fact that grand juries in both cases determined that the officers were justified in using force to deal with a dangerous situation, has been ignored. In fact, the verdicts handed down prompted more protesting, violence and looting. Their reaction was "justified" in response to white racism that is keeping them from getting jobs, manipulating the legal system, and putting an unusually high number in jail.
These protesters were not interested in the truth.
If they were, there would be a discussion about high black-on-black violence, the high abortion rate among blacks and the disintegration of the black family. Imagine the positive outcome of Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice meeting with the White House to discuss ways to help black teenagers and families.
But no, there is more to gain by community organizing -- blaming police officers and grand juries. Stirring the racial pot. Damn the facts if they don't fit the racial template provided by Sharpton, Obama and Eric Holder.
On November 19th, Rolling Stone magazine published "A Rape on Campus," an article that described how "rapes are kept quiet" by students and administrators at the University of Virginia. It focused on the story of one freshman student, known as Jackie, who said she was brutally gang-raped by seven men for several hours at a frat party in 2012.
It shocked readers, grabbed media attention and spawned protests and vandalism, and the university quickly suspended all Greek system activities and put out a call for zero tolerance of sexual assault.
Less than a week later, it was determined that regular Rolling Stone contributor, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, had fabricated the story. She had simply taken the word of Jackie, without contacting a single one of the seven alleged attackers.
The reaction of people in the media? They concluded that the writer was "simply trying to tell a really painful story, which is that sexual assault really does happen at the University of Virginia and also around the United States." Hanna Rosin, a writer for Slate and The Atlantic said, "I think part of what went wrong is belief getting in the way of facts." Rosin suggested that "wanting the story desperately to be true got in the way."
In other words, don't let facts ruin a good "story."
As I write this blog, the number one story in the world is the attack in Paris on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. It is widely known for its provocative material and lampoons everyone -- Muslims, Christians and Jews. Yet, it was radical Muslims who believed this satire to be so offensive that they attacked -- killing twelve offenders, while praising "Allah Akbar!" and shouting "we have avenged the prophet."
Despite these obvious references to radical Islam, President Obama has refused to associate them being Muslim or even denouncing the attacks -- without claiming that the magazine should take some responsibility for the attacks by being critical of the Islamic prophet.
The truth behind this attack, as well as those in Benghazi, Fort Hood and the killing of 121 children in Pakistan, resides with a radical branch of Islam that is spreading through the world. Despite the facts pointing to these deliberate acts of terrorism, the Obama administration and select media continue to label these terrorists as lone wolves, nut jobs at work, and activists who don't represent the Muslim faith. It's like a bad game of Taboo where you can't use the words radical, Muslim, Islam or terrorist.
Why is the Obama Administration so afraid of speaking the truth? Don't they know that radical Islam doesn't care what we call them? Their destructive behavior isn't going to change if the White House doesn't refer to Islamic jihad, or makes a point of disassociating Islam from terrorism in public comments.
How stupid -- who the hell did we elect as our President, and how long has he been a closet Muslim?
It just so happens that all three are lies.
For those of us on the right, America is a lot like "the shining city on the hill" used by Ronald Reagan when he described American exceptionalism. We see America as a unique country of free people, who through the Constitution and God-given rights, work the hardest, give the most and fight the wars that need to be fought everywhere to protect other people in need.
The left will view this "exceptionalism" as bragging that we are better than other races and nations -- that we have only succeeded because we have stepped over others to get there. Native Indians, blacks, and illegal aliens are the backs upon which this country was built. What a bunch of BS! There isn't a country on earth that hasn't become what it is without conquering someone along the way. Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar and Attila the Hun are just a few. Remember the British and Russian expansions that swept through Europe and Asia?
But the reality is that America has done far more good for this world. Our freedoms have led to advancements in science, medicine, politics and literature. When the world is in trouble, America comes to the rescue -- if not with money, then troops. Or usually both.
So enough about being the bad guys. No one's perfect, but we are far and away the best thing going.
As for a war on women -- let's do something the media doesn't. Let's take the political party away from the name and see who's mistreating women.
Bill Clinton (rape and impeachment)
Ted Kennedy (murder)
John Edwards (out-of-wedlock birth)
Robert Filner (sexual harassment)
Anthony Weiner (sexting scandal)
If it wasn't for their support of abortion and welfare, these names would be reviled by women voters. But because they vote the right way (meaning they agree with the media), their woman-abuse businesses get a pass.
Look what the Democrats did to strong, capable women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. They quickly tore them apart by criticizing their looks, intelligence, family or religion. Conversely, the media salivates over the likes of Hillary and Michelle who are where they are because of their political husbands.
Conservative theory support strong family lifestyles, which provide higher incomes, better education and greater success. Welfare, on the other hand, fosters dependency on someone else, single motherhood and few opportunities. I realize not everyone falls into one category or the other, but come on -- if given that choice, why would you limit your future?
And finally, the idea that government knows best.
If someone told me the Packers beat the Seahawks yesterday, I would call them liars. But for some reason if someone tells the voting public that Obama care will lower their health care costs, they believe it. It defies common sense that the malcontents in Washington D.C. know what they are doing, when everything they do ends up over-budget, inefficient and compounding the problem.
I read recently that our national debt is approaching $17 trillion. Here's a short list of government failures which comprise part of this national debt:
Obama Care failure
Raiding Social Security
Federal Housing Authority (2008 housing crash)
Medicare reimbursement
Quantitative easing
Environmental Protection Agency (climate change)
Department of Education (Common Core)
Michelle Obama's lunch program
Handling of the Ebola epidemic
War on poverty
I've always felt that voters send people to Washington to fix things. Which is wrong to begin with -- it means every problem is compounded by adding another round of failure. Today's politicians look at their jobs as full time. The power brokers in the Senate and the House of Representatives look at every day as an opportunity to expand government, write new laws and create bureaucracies designed to complicate and frustrate everyone. This applies to both Republican and Democrat.
We need to bring back the days of people went to Washington part time, held real jobs back home and received minimum wages (I realize that's a pipe dream, but it feels good). Take the money out of politics, implement term limits and give voters a voice in what needs to be done. Somehow we need to stop believing that government knows the answers to the problems they are creating. It's not their goal.
Without philosophizing too much, all lying is bad. Democrats lie on the self-serving basis that it achieves their goal: accuracy over the truth.
One of the biggest disappointments I have with liberal lies is that it discourages personal responsibility and self-improvement. Do you think blacks will break away from poverty and crime if they believe that it's not their fault? Will women find the confidence to compete for jobs and equal pay if they are led to believe there is no future without a welfare check and free birth control? And will we ever defeat terrorism if we refuse to identify those responsible? Of course not.
So where do we go from here? Hopefully, people are finding various media that breaks through these lies. When Obama stands before us and tells us he's fighting for the middle class, maybe a few more voters are not believing him anymore. When a video shows the horrible beheading of an innocent journalist by ISIS, maybe a few more in the media are not believing the White House denials.
And as people look back on the Obama presidency for what it truly was, it is my hope that we will be better in the future than we were in the past.