The left hasn't been this elated since Chaz Bono completed gender reassignment surgery, which means they're having orgasms telling their friends and family on social websites. Headlines scream: "Watching FOX NEWS makes you stupid!" Comments on Face book snicker: "See I told you so. Sarah Palin really was an idiot and people's decision to vote against Barrack Obama was based on blatant lies and racism."
Rest assured, like all things in partisan politics, the left is only giving you the part that justifies their beliefs.
To start, the study was based on questions asked during an election year, when political ads fill the air waves like mosquitoes drawn to the scent of blood. If anyone can find the truth in these ads they deserve a week's vacation in Hawaii. The possibility that hot election issues like health care, taxes and the economy could be compromised isn't beyond believing. Voters should know better than to believe most things coming out of mouths of politicians; perhaps it needs to apply to commentary news channels like FOX, MSNBC, CNN and NPR, as well.
After further review, the study didn't say viewers of FOX NEWS were dumb, just less informed than others. In other words, the information coming from FOX NEWS was partial, incomplete or less comprehensive. This suggests that the results are not based on a conservative tilt, as people who voted Democratic and watched FOX NEWS were also more likely to be misinformed.
The study also showed that viewers of MSNBC and CNN news fared only slightly better in many cases. The second worse source was MSNBC, which was worse than FOX viewers on one of three questions and second worse on another. Viewers of NPR, the love child of many an informed liberal, were deemed no better or worse than someone who watched no news at all.
World Public Opinion's interpretation of the answers is also interesting. Take these three sample questions for example:
Will the health reform law increase the deficit? The correct answer is no, based on President Obama's "assurance " that savings coming from the existing health care plan will offset the cost of the overhaul health bill. Huh? Just because the president says savings will offset costs, makes it true? When was the last time any bill from Washington SAVED money? Give me a break.
Is the economy getting worse? Again, the correct answer is no, but since when is 9% unemployment, a looming deficit, increasing inflation and regulatory attacks on small business an indication of a growing economy? And if you lost your job or know someone who did -- do you feel like things are getting better?
Is climate change occurring? the study's answer is yes. But who's to know if the changes occurring now didn't occur 10,000 years ago? And the real question should be "Is man responsible for climate change?" There is serious doubt about who's to blame, as recent emails continue to raise questions about global warming.
So this study may raise questions about what we are watching on FOX NEWS, but it doesn't prove anything about the intelligence of the people watching. And while FOX NEWS does have some work to do, the rest of the mainstream media is not blameless.
So why is it that liberals think they're smarter than everyone else? Or, why are they so quick to think conservatives are stupid?
Can you think of a recent Republican candidate who wasn't classified as some kind of bumbling fool? Remember how President Reagan was just an actor, and President Bush couldn't put two coherent sentences together? How about Sarah Pail, who was relentlessly attacked by the elite news media and comedy shows like Saturday Night Live, David Letterman and Comedy Central.
I can still see ABC's Charlie Gibson (looking over his reading spectacles) condescendingly asking Palin, "When I asked John McCain about your national security credentials, he cited the fact that you have commanded the Alaskan National Guard and that Alaska is close to Russia. Are those sufficient credentials?" Did he ever ask Obama that question? What were his qualifications?
Or how about CBS's Katie Couric, acting so nice, then stabbing her in the back by asking, "And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this -- to stay informed and to understand the world? ... which ones specifically. I'm curious. ... can you name any of them?" I'm curious, Katie, did you drive CBS' broadcast ratings into the toilet all by yourself or did you have help?

For the left, the contrast between viewer's intelligence must be attributed to the following:
Broad-mindedness. Liberals think conservatives are close minded, not open to new ideas and lifestyles, etc. It's so bad that Dictionary.Com lists three definitions for "narrow-minded": 1) having or showing a prejudiced mind; biased, 2) not receptive to new ideas; having a closed mind, and 3) extremely conservative and morally self-righteous. It also features a list of synonyms, specifically "bigoted, partial, intolerant and illiberal." No wonder conservatives are viewed as ignorant and stupid.
Ego. Liberals control education -- many probably wish they were still in college. This morning I listened to a guest on NPR who was talking about the need to tax the rich. This guest was 1) liberal, 2) an educator and 3) an expert on economics. To my way of thinking, wouldn't it make more sense to try talking to an actual business owner who has to find the means to pay his employees, provide health insurance and pay taxes?
This academic background, while making liberals educated, doesn't make them smart. But it does boost their egos. For axample, look at a potential match up of Newt Gingrich versus Barrack Obama. West Georgia College teacher vs graduate of Columbia, Harvard Law, and editor of the Law Review Journal. Which one would you expect to use a tele prompter for help?
Empathy. Liberals think they are sympathetic and "in tune" to people in need. That makes them smarter. The political left looks to validate their "feelings"by appealing to the needs of those who can't take care of themselves without the intervention of big government. "I'm smart, so I need to help those less fortunate. For them, our ignorance -- represented by greed, hatred and bigotry-- is a by-product of conservatism because it isn't sympathetic to the problems of minorities, gays, immigrants and the poor.
Conservative certainty. Many on the right have confidence in things like religion, family values and our military. Liberals struggle with the concept of believing in God. Faith without proof conforms to their idea that conservatives are blind to fact or science. Liberals also have trouble with our positions on abortion, gays and marriage (certainty about life, love and commitment is further proof of our ignorance). And fighting a necessary war requires honor, dedication and heroism -- foreign concepts to a liberal's gray (not black and white) thinking.
The left hates FOX NEWS because it is popular. Number one in ratings for cable television, easily beating CNN, MSNBC and considered a rising threat to CBS, NBC and ABC. Anything they can do to discredit the organization must be done. The monopoly that these news organizations have had for the last forty years has come to an end. They can't understand why FOX NEWS continues to succeed.
In conclusion, the left are an intolerant bunch --contrary to being open minded-- who fall back to calling people who disagree with them (especially if they watch FOX NEWS) stupid.